Austria by train

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Austrian adventures

Austria’s scenic railways

Zürich, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Graz, Vienna, Paris and sleeper

Traverse the length of Austria from west to east by way of the country’s most scenic railways, including the Arlberg Pass and the Semmering line.

A taste of Tyrol

Zurich, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Bolzano, Munich and Paris

Travel to Tyrol on scenic railway journeys through beautiful valleys and past impressive peaks, with stays in charming cities along the way.

Alpine Austria

Zell am See, Kitzbühel, Zürich and Innsbruck with sleeper

Uncover the magic of Alpine Austria via scenic railways and winter hiking trails that snake through traditional mountain villages.

Salzburg soundscapes

Paris, Salzburg and Aachen with sleeper

The backdrop to the Sound of Music. The birthplace of Mozart. Home to a thriving jazz scene. The hills of Salzburg couldn’t be more alive.

Europe’s imperial cities

Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Amsterdam with sleeper

A taste of opulence, uncover the rich cultural legacy of Europe’s three imperial cities as you wander palaces, castles and sprawling museums.

Austrian ski

Zürich, Zell am See, Salzburg and Aachen

Ski-bums: hit the slopes of Schmittenhöhe and pick from standard ski, cross-country or ski-touring and wind down in the traditional taverns of Zell.

How long does it take?

Here’s the minimum time you’ll need for a relaxed round trip starting from London. We do other departure stations, too!

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