Turkey by train

Considering Turkey, flight-free?

As seen in the Guardian, we've launched our most adventurous flight-free itineraries to date, all the way to Europe's dividing line with Asia. For those looking to reach Istanbul overland, even the most experienced of travellers should be aware: this journey is no easy feat. Railway journeys across Eastern Europe are often far less comfortable than in the West, with trains frequently subject to delay and often without air conditioning (I suggest avoiding the hottest summer months). You’ll also be crossing non-Schengen European borders, with late-night passport checks that require alighting the train. As always, we are on hand with WhatsApp disruption support and advice every step of the way. Up for the challenge? We suggest contacting us before booking.

Plan ahead

Due to the unique intricacies of a rail holiday to Turkey, these trips require a minimum booking notice of two months to ensure the best experience.

- James, Eastern Europe Expert, Byway Concierge

As seen in the Times

Overland to Istanbul

This twenty two day odyssey to reach the meeting point of Europe and Asia, as featured in The Times, is a fast and intensive adventure featuring six sleeper trains. It’s available from June to September.

Click here for a year-round trip to Istanbul, which runs over 16 days.

Istanbul by train

One way to Istanbul (summer only)

Budapest, Brasov, Bucharest, Istanbul with sleeper trains

A more leisurely, slow travel rendition of the Guardian’s route, featuring a summer-only sleeper train from Bucharest to Istanbul.

Round trip to Turkey (summer only)

Budapest, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Veliko Tarnovo, Istanbul, Brasov, Vienna with sleeper trains

Stop off through five countries with five sleeper trains to reach Europe’s dividing line with Asia. Return via Transylvanian Cluj-Napoca and Vienna.

All year-round one way to Turkey

Budapest, Brasov, Bucharest, Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia, Plovdiv, Istanbul with sleeper trains

Outside summer, the Bulgaria-Turkey sleeper train is the best option, allowing for a stop in the Bulgarian capital at the foot of the Vitosha Mountain.

Flight-free made easy
All transport and accommodation included

Journeys you’ll love
Created by sustainable travel experts

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