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Top eco hotels

Sapphire House, Antwerp

Cutting-edge plant-based dining meets 18th-century features and lavish furnishings (a nod to Antwerp's golden age of diamond heist). Don't miss the watermelon gazpacho.

Conscious Hotel, Amsterdam

With contemporary interiors inspired by the works of Willem de Kooning, the Conscious Hotel is a haven for art lovers and the sustainably minded.

The Green House, Dorset

On a mission to 'prove that luxury and sustainability are friends', the Green House is the UK's greenest hotel, nestled between Dorset’s finest beaches and the New Forest.

La Villa 30, Lille

Support a family-run enterprise in Downtown Lille. With five rooms, small means personal service, but it also means bolstering local economies and spreading tourism distribution.

Gaia, Basel

Forward-thinking Gaia works with local startups to take food waste reduction to another level. Think growing mushrooms from coffee grounds and making hummus from biowaste.

Solar do Castelo, Lisbon

Set around the courtyard of an 18th-century mansion and the only hotel in the Medieval quarter, Solar do Castelo is Lisbon’s star eco-hotel, enclosed by the walls of St. Jorge's Castle.

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