Morocco by train and ferry

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Go by train and ferry to Morocco

Find myriad medinas, bustling souks and blue-rinsed villages with spectacular journeys across land and sea.

From the UK to Morocco flight-free

Cádiz, Tangier, Chefchaouen, Fez, Nîmes, Madrid, Tangier and Casablanca

Travel from London through France and Spain, and say goodbye to Europe as you cross the strait of Gibraltar into northern Africa on the Tangier ferry. You’ll trundle through mountain scenery by bus and traverse across Morocco on slick high-speed trains, with time to explore Tangier, Chefchaouen, Fez and Casablanca. Our hand-picked stays feature luxurious riads, locally-owned spas, and charming guesthouses overflowing with warm, Moroccan hospitality.

Autumn/winter spotlight


You don’t need to fly for winter sun. Head south and traverse through Spain to the northern tip of Africa to uncover the riads and souks of Marrakech.

Here’s the minimum time you’ll need for a relaxed round trip starting from London. We do other departure stations, too!

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