Join our team

Our mission

Make flight-free travel mainstream

Our goals

  • Reduce the climate impact of travel

  • Combat over tourism and boost local economies

  • Increase tourist spending with sustainable providers

Our values

  • Making slow travel mainstream is a journey we approach with the optimism and openness needed to learn and grow.

    • We enjoy ourselves, celebrate where we are and we strive to do better

    • We know sustainability is a journey

    • We advocate for collective, not individual, impact

  • Trust in each other is the foundation of our team. We share insights widely, are grounded in openness, and welcome peer reviews.

    • We trust (but verify)

    • We are trustworthy

    • We are trusted experts

  • We listen to, respect, amplify and support all stakeholders. Our product is for everyone.

    • Byway is for everyone

    • We value and actively hire for diversity and empathy

    • We do not accept discrimination, hate or harassment

    • We respect local contexts and listen to and uplift expert and local insights

What it’s like to work at Byway

Our benefits

🏢 Hybrid Remote Model
Join us in London for focused team collaboration and strategic planning sessions for two days a month. These gatherings ensure we stay connected and aligned on our goals.

⏰ Flexible Hours
Work according to your schedule, with 80 hours spread across two weeks. Enjoy four-hour meeting-free blocks between 9-5, and a meeting-free Thursdays for uninterrupted productivity.

🌳 Annual 'Byway Away' Days
Take a break from work and walk the unbeaten path, with our team bonding days. Spend quality time outdoors, fostering stronger connections with your colleagues.

🌴 Byway Holiday
Explore incredible destinations with a budget-friendly Byway flight-free holiday for you and your immediate family.

🏢 Co-Working Office Credits
Enjoy the option to work from a collaborative office space & escape the confines of home for a change of scenery.

🌱 Climate Perks
Travel sustainably on your holidays with our Climate Perks program, reducing your carbon footprint while exploring the world.

🗺️ Enhanced Benefits
Receive double statutory sick pay, 33 flexi-holidays, generous parental leave, and access to our wellness hub filled with valuable learning resources.

📊 Weekly Capacity Surveys
We prioritise your well-being with weekly capacity surveys and leadership follow-ups, ensuring everyone maintains a healthy work-life balance.

  • "The work-life balance is perfect, It means I get to see the world whilst doing what I enjoy best, product design. I love having full autonomy over ideas and projects that can improve the Byway experience."

    Kurt - Product Design

  • "Given I’m a career changer and late comer to tech, it’s great to be in a team where diversity isn’t just a conversation at interview, but something that’s actively worked on day-to-day. I'm thriving and loving it."

    Nathalie - Frontend Developer

  • "I've been surprised at how much I love our monthly get togethers and yearly birthday weekends - it is so nice to be able to connect with this amazing bunch of people off-screen."

    Marijke - Growth Marketing

Open roles

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