Poland by train

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Top trips to Poland

Grand tour of Poland by sleeper

Cologne, Berlin, Wroclaw, Krakow, Zakopane, Warsaw, Gdansk, Berlin and Amsterdam

Discover Poland from the northernmost tip on the edge of the Baltic Sea, all the way south to the mountain town of Zakopane at the Poland-Slovakia border.

Cities and mountains

Cologne, Dresden, Wroclaw, Zakopane, Krakow, Berlin and Amsterdam

From cities to mountains, Gothic architecture to whimsical Zakopane huts, World War history to thriving contemporary arts: this trip is an ode to south Poland’s diversity.

The Baltic Riviera

Cologne, Berlin, Sopot and Gdansk

The pearl in the Baltic Coast, Sopot is a Spa town of fine sand beaches (and home to Europe’s longest wooden pier), backed by rolling dunes, wildflowers and woodland.

Here’s the minimum time you’ll need for a relaxed round trip starting from London. We do other departure stations, too!

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