Sweden by train

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Our top trips to Sweden

  • Stockholm city break

    Stockholm, Cologne, Hamburg and Amsterdam, with sleeper trains

    Practicality meets style in Sweden's capital, from architecture to culture and its famously well-dressed locals. Spread across 14 islands on Lake Mälaren, Stockholm is the gateway to an archipelago of 30,000 islands and islets.

  • Cross-border Scandinavia

    Aachen, Hamburg, Oslo, Trondheim, Östersund, Sundsvall, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Flensburg, Osnabrück, Amsterdam with sleeper ferry

    A cross-border pilgrimage by rail through Norway and Sweden follows a condensed segment of St Olav’s way through Scandinavia’s wildest landscapes.

  • Classic Scandinavia

    Oslo, Malmö, Cologne, Hamburg, Gothenburg and Brussels, with sleeper trains

    Journey through Sweden, Denmark and Norway by ferry and train. You'll see why Scandinavia's cities rate so highly for happiness, from Malmö and its bucolic parks to Oslo's waterfront architecture.

The Guardian's route of the month: tracking St Olav from Sweden to Norway

Aachen, Hamburg, Oslo, Trondheim, Östersund, Sundsvall, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Flensburg, Osnabrück and Amsterdam

Embark on a Scandinavian pilgrimage by rail on this coast-to-coast adventure across Sweden and Norway, as featured in the Guardian.

“The home of Fika and craft beers, pop music and sustainable design, Sweden benefits from taking it slow. I’d recommend spending time in Stockholm or Gothenburg before hopping on the local ferries to explore the coves and fishing villages in their scattered archipelagos.”

— Rachel, product content, about travelling through Sweden.

Here’s the minimum time you’ll need for a relaxed round trip starting from London. We do other departure stations, too!

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