The Czech Republic by train

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Trending trips to the Czech Republic

London to Prague by sleeper train

Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam and Zürich with sleeper train

You’ve seen the world’s largest castle, now explore off the beaten path. The sleeper will see you home (breakfast delivered to your cabin).

Discover the Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary, Brno, Cologne, Prague, Český Krumlov and Zürich with sleeper train

Get under the skin of the Czech Republic: dip your toe in the springs of Karlovy Vary, hike Mount Klet’, cycle across Moravian Wine country.

Vienna, Budapest, Prague

Zürich, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Berlin and Brussels

An epic city break to Central Europe to enjoy Viennese coffee houses, before heading onward to Budapest and Prague by train.

Here’s the minimum time you’ll need for a relaxed round trip starting from London. We do other departure stations, too!

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